Monday, April 9, 2012

Looking Up

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Xander looking up to Grandad
One of the delights of being grandparents has been to watch our little grandson as he learns to walk. Just over one year old, he bravely totters around, frequently falling, yet always getting back on his feet, ready to try a few more steps. Sometimes, when he gets tired, he will reach out for a supporting hand, looking up every now and then just to see who it is that is helping him out. But the day will come when this little boy will be all grown up. One day, he will not need, or want, to hold my hand. One day, Xander will be walking independently...which is, of course, exactly how it should be.
In my Christian journey though, I never want to walk independently. There will never be a day when I want to let go of God's hand as He leads me, guides me, and helps me up when I fall down. I want to be totally dependent on God, holding on tightly to His hand, and constantly looking up to see who it is that is helping me out. No matter how old I am, I will always be His child, and He will always be my Helper, lifting me back on my feet, and encouraging me to take a few more steps. That is, of course, exactly how it should be.
I will take hold of your hand. Isaiah 42:6

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