Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Big Waves

One summer evening, my husband and I were out in his homemade wooden boat, enjoying a beautiful evening on the lake. The sun was setting, we had just enjoyed a picnic, and we were about to row back to shore. From out of nowhere, a big noisy speed boat came zooming over the horizon and made a huge circle around us, creating giant waves on every side. We gripped the side of our little boat, afraid that the waves were going to tip us over. But guess what? By the time those giant waves reached us, they had become mere baby ripples. We had nothing to worry about. We laughed, picked up our oars and rowed with confidence.
Do you ever worry about big waves appearing on the horizon of your children's ministry? Do you ever find yourself worrying about things that might happen in the future? Do you ever question...Will we have enough money this year? Who will replace that staff person? How will I ever get this ministry to grow? Suppose our budget gets cut? What if I don't recruit enough volunteers for that program? 
Guess what? God has a way of taking those giant waves and making them into baby ripples. As you pray about future events, and bring them to God, you will find that you have nothing to worry about. Laugh, pick up your oars, and row with confidence.


  1. Hey Glenys,
    Just thinking about the 'big waves' I'm worrying about in my ministry. I'm going to let God turn them into 'baby ripples' David

  2. One day, I am going to remind you that you said that.....

  3. Expect big waves if you take big girls like that out in your boat!

    1. ha ha ha!!! That's the most hilarious comment I've ever had on my blog Pauline!!!
