Monday, March 14, 2011

For The World?

Beautiful Baby Xander
This week a beautiful baby boy was born and I became a grandma. What a precious gift! What a privilege! I held my first grandson; I watched him sleeping peacefully in my arms; I marveled at this miracle of new life and with a heart full of love, I looked at him and thought, 'I would not give this up for the world.'
2000 years ago, in much the same way, another beautiful baby boy was born. Another precious gift! Another privilege! Another miracle of new life! The only difference here was that when this little boy was born, with a heart full of love, God looked at Him and thought, 'I can give Him up for the world'. And that is just what He did. What a powerful reminder for me, and what a powerful message we bring....
for the world.
Mary Did You Know?


  1. There is something about new life.....a baby, bulb shoots emerging from a long cold winter, birds returning to nest.....and a fresh, new look at how life is a blessing and the knowledge that God is asking us to make the most of it!

  2. svanslooten@yahoo.comMarch 27, 2011 at 11:36 AM

    What a beautiful boy! Grandchildren give great joy!
