Monday, January 24, 2011

All Over The World....

My sisters & I, outside
Goose Green Methodist Church in Northern England
At 10.30 am yesterday morning, my sisters and I worshiped together in a little brick built Methodist church in Wigan, Northern England. As we stood side by side to sing, I was reminded that 4000 miles away, our church family in Michigan would soon be singing together too. Even though my sisters and I might be separated by the Atlantic Ocean, I know that we are joined together in Christ. Space may divide, but Spirit unites.
Was it a coincidence that one of the hymns we sang said 'the Spirit is moving all over the world'? I think not. And what a wonderful lesson to teach our matters not whether we worship in Michigan or Wigan. We worship One God, in One Church, a part of One Body and One Family.
From Northern England to Michigan, One Spirit is moving all over the world.
If I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me. Psalm 139: 9


  1. I was thinking about you too. Glad you're getting to spend time with your family. Looking forward to getting you home though!
